
FreeRTOS stack size on ESP32 - words or bytes?

Although FreeRTOS1 is an indispensible tool for working on anything more than the simplest application on ESP32, there are some difficulties to master, such as multitasking. Multitasking using FreeRTOS is accomplished by creating tasks with xTaskCreate() or xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(). In both of these calls, one of the parameters is uxStackDepth which is the allocated stack size for the task. The FreeRTOS documentation on the subject is clear about the units for uxStackDepth:

Using macOS NSSpeechSynthesizer to generate audio content for Anki cards

As I’ve written before, I use Anki for Russian language learning. One of the skills to master in learning a foreign language is to quickly speak and recognize numbers. With a little help from macOS, I’ve developed a way of rapidly creating audible content of spoken numbers for my Anki cards. That’s the good news. The bad news is that as of right now, you’ll have to have Xcode and build the app yourself.