Monday, January 24, 2022

Soviet maps of UK and North America

This is from an interesting collection of maps of the UK and North American cities produced by the Soviet Union. You can search for maps of particular locations.

What we learned about each other

What I hate most about the past half decade is what we learned about each other. Call me naive, but I never imagined that uncles, cousins and friends I loved and respected would so effortlessly embrace Fascism. I never imagined they would elevate some TV conman to a deity.

We progressives are implored to initiate important conversations with “the other side” but this is contingent on truth-seeking and an effort to shed biases. I encounter very few Republicans who show a willingness dispassionately try to get to the truth. (No small number of “woke” progressives also manifest this tendency, too, to be fair.)

My rules for social media:

  1. Look at Facebook once a month on the first day of the month. Check any personal messages, and get out.
  2. Only check Twitter for one specific user who posts data on the Covid-19 pandemic. Never post anything on Twitter. Never read political posts. Get in and get out quickly.
  3. Never look at Instagram. I’m 16 months out from getting away from that platform.